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A magical trip with the Foundation for Children with Leukemia in Debrecen

My book “The Magic Brush - The Travel Diary 1 - Mysterious Jewel Robbery in Egypt” was invited to Debrecen by the Foundation for Children with Leukemia on 13th November 2021.

At the invitation of the Debrecen Foundation for Children with Leukemia, an interactive program with the children

I have been helping and donating books to this foundation for many years now. Those who know how important the development of children is to me and we also know how colorful children’s imaginations are. With my new interactive book, I spent a wonderful 2-hours with all sparkling eyes' children.

After a short introduction, the adventure began, starring the kids and their creativity. Through various tasks, the path led to writing stories and solving mysteries. With this journey, I tried to get the children to experience how I was able to write the mysterious in the book which, surprisingly, not only made them well, but also sparkled their talent and ability to solve quickly. It felt very good to me that the parents there also enjoyed the activity with a smile.

Click to the image for more photos.

I think it was a real adventure program for the healing and healthy children who came. For me, too, it was an unforgettable journey.

At the end of the program, I dedicated a copy of my newest book to each child, and even courtesy of the previous novel, which tells the background story of the new book that is now debuting.

Click to the image for more photos.

We thank the Méliusz Juhász Péter Library for providing the venue and equipment, the Debrecen Foundation for Children with Leukemia and Cinti Örvendi for organizing such a unforgettable day for children. The interactive book can be purchased here:

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