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The Magic Brush, the third book launch


„Always be curious and adventurous in nature, because the world holds many wonders that are just waiting for you to discover one day."

As is typical of all areas of our lives, I ended with this thought of my latest book's back cover. I just embarked on a whole new adventure. I never thought I would be able to selfpublish my book ever. We can achieve every goal if we never give up on our dreams, even if others discommend from it.

On October 8, 2021, my book “The Magic Brush - The Travel Diary 1 - Mysterious Jewel Robbery in Egypt” arrived from the printing house. It would be hard to describe the feelings that swirled in me as I held in my hands what we created with my team, who spared no time and creativity to make this book. And that now a few hundred readers are holding in their hands.

The book launch took place on 9th October at the Beams Music Bistro, where in addition to the new Hungarian book, an English translation of the first novel debuted as ‘The Magic Brush and Enchanted Paintings’. The event, as in previous years, was opened by actress Orsolya Gere. Live music was provided by Riz Laura’s band duo during the evening while I dedicated the books to those in the serpentine line. The photos say a lot, of which I will share a few with you here. Photos taken by József Kecskeméti.

A varázsecset - Az utazónapló 1 - Rejtélyes ékszerrablás Egyiptomban könyvbemutató 2021. Megvásárolható a Book24 oldalán és Libri könyvesboltokban.
“The Magic Brush - The Travel Diary 1 - Mysterious Jewel Robbery in Egypt” Book Launch 2021

It is now a great pleasure to be able to buy my novel on several important online stores and also on the shelves of major bookstores nationwide. Thanks to Book24 for distributing and promoting the book.

Surprise your child, your relative with this book and immerse yourself in the mysterious adventure together:

The journey of the Magic Brush is just really beginning now! ☺

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